14th International Conference on Hydroinformatics HIC 2022 − Water INFLUENCE
Water INFormatic soLUtions and opEN problems in the cycle from Clouds to ocEan
The connection links set on Microsoft Teams will be sent by email to all participants directly from the EasyChair platform. The participants which will attend the conference online are requested to test each connection before each session. For each connection link, a very short registration form must be be filled-in, then a validation must be made from the email provided by the user.
Each paper is scheduled to be presented in 18 minutes time frame, where 15 minutes are for the oral presentation and 3 minutes for Q&A. There is no imposed template for the slides. The participants joining the conference online will present their paper using Share Screen directly from their computer.

Technical University of Civil Engineering Bucharest (UTCB) and University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest (UPB) are pleased to invite the international hydroinformatics community to the 14th International Conference on Hydroinformatics − HIC 2022, held in Bucharest, Romania, on 4-8 July 2022.
Key dates and deadlines
Dear colleagues,
The conference will be held in hybrid mode (onsite for those who can travel to Bucharest and online for those who are facing constraints). We encourage the onsite participation, to enjoy the communication face to face. Despite all ongoing crises, you can travel and enjoy your stay in Romania safely.
We received 170 paper proposals from 38 countries (Australia, Austria, Bolivia, Bulgaria, Canada, China, Colombia, Denmark, France, Germany, Greece, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Iran, Italy, Japan, Lithuania, Malaysia, Mexico, Morocco, Nepal, Netherlands, Norway, Panama, Portugal, Romania, Serbia, Somalia, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, Turkey, U.A.E., U.K., and U.S.A.).

Please submit your conference contribution (either as Full Paper, or as 4-pages Extended Abstract) using the following link: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=hic2022
See the details at the section PARTICIPATE.
- May 9, 2022 – Full Papers (or 4-pages Extended Abstracts) submission deadline
- June 6, 2022 – Notification on the peer-review results
- June 7, 2022 – Early-bird registration deadline
- June 8, 2022 – Revised Full papers (or Extended Abstracts) submission deadline
- June 20, 2022 – Late registration deadline
- July 4-8, 2022 – Conference
Hydroinformatics focuses on the application of information and communications technologies, to address problems in the water industry, water resources management, and other fields connected to the aquatic environment. New trends, like the digital transformation of urban water systems, smart water networks and smart cities demand multi-disciplinarity and interoperability, to ensure a sustainable management of water resources. As the Hydroinformatics scientific community continuously grows, its interests encompass a wide range of topics, from the numerical modelling to the development of new sensors and tools, the interpretation of increasing amounts of data, the analysis and management of complex water systems, the integration of models, data and controls for practical applications.
The work of the IAHR/IWA Joint Committee on Hydroinformatics and of several IWA Specialist Groups has highlighted the importance of knowledge integration among scientists, practitioners and technology experts, in order to tackle the complex challenges of water management in a changing world.
Presently, in addition to the ever-present threat of climate change, the COVID-19 pandemic also changed our daily lifestyle. The repercussions of these recent events cannot be ignored. For example, in water supply, the impact of shifting a portion of the water demand from the industrial sector (corporate office buildings) to the residential districts from which people now remotely work, has the potential to change the demand patterns, thus the water distribution of urban areas.

Bucharest is the capital and largest city of Romania.
It presents a unique mix of West and East (with its people speaking a Romance language and belonging mostly to the Greek Orthodox Christian faith), as well as of Old and New (the city centre combines medieval, neoclassical and art nouveau buildings with utilitarian communist era architecture and new skyscraper office buildings). It is the major cultural, economical and financial centre with more than 2 million inhabitants (about 3 mill. inhabitants in the Metropolitan Area).

In Bucharest, English is widely understood and spoken.
The first mention as the Citadel of Bucharest dates from 1459, when it became the residence of the famous Wallachian Prince Vlad III the Impaler (that presumably inspired Bram Stoker’s character Dracula).
The motivation for the attendees relies on the unique culture mix and affordable prices in Bucharest and in the whole country, as well as on the proposed Visits of Bucharest and Post-Conference Tours outside Bucharest.
In Bucharest, English is widely understood and spoken.
Like any other EU capital city, Bucharest is crowded and even if criminality is rare, one can easily observe beggars present in busy places. However, all hotels, clubs, bars and restaurants are definitely safe and reliable. Taxis are reliable and visible marked in yellow. Metro is reliable (there is constant survey inside the metro, and in metro stations). Money can be exchanged safely in banks and at ATM’s, credit cards are widely accepted.
Romania is part of the European Union since 2007, thus Romania is aligned to the EU laws and directives. European citizens can travel freely to Romania. Non European citizens need a visa as requested in any EU country.
The major difference between Romania and founding EU countries is that Romania still uses its national currency, called „LEI” – plural and „LEU” – singular. The currency rate fluctuates slightly, so you need to check the National Bank of Romania exchange rates (https://www.bnr.ro/Exchange-rates-1224.aspx): for example, 1 euro (EUR) is about 5 lei (let’s say 5 LEI/EUR, and the other way around – 1 LEU is about 0.2 EUR); 1 US dollar (USD) is about 4.3 LEI (or 1 LEU is 0.23 USD).

Conference Leading Team

Prof. Andrei-Mugur GEORGESCU
Technical University of Civil Engineering Bucharest, Romania

Prof. Lăcrămioara Diana ROBESCU
University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest, Romania

Prof. Gabriele FRENI
Kore University of Enna, Italy

Polytech Nice Sophia, France

Prof. Sanda-Carmen GEORGESCU
University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest, Romania
Conference Steering Committee
Technical University of Bari, Italy - Dragan SAVIĆ
KWR Water Research Institute, The Netherlands - Duan CHEN
Changjiang River Scientific Research Institute, China - Maria C. CUNHA
University of Coimbra, Portugal - Ibrahim DEMIR
Iowa University, U.S. - Raziyeh FARMANI
University of Exeter, U.K. - Gabriele FRENI
Kore University of Enna, Italy
University of Zaragoza, Spain - Philippe GOURBESVILLE
Polytech Nice Sophia, Université Côte d’Azur, France - George P. KARATZAS
Technical University of Crete, Greece - Gwo-Fong LIN
National Taiwan University, Taiwan - Ole MARK
Krüger A/S, Denmark - Miguel RICO-RAMIREZ
University of Bristol, U.K. - Dimitri SOLOMATINE
UNESCO-IHE Institute for Water Education, The Netherlands
International Scientific Committee
- Jean-Luc ACHARD
Grenoble National Polytechnic Institute, France - Anton ANTON
Technical University of Civil Engineering Bucharest, Romania - Luigi BERARDI
University G. d’Annunzio of Chieti-Pescara, Italy - Sandor Ianos BERNAD
Romanian Academy – Timisoara Branch, Romania - Bruno BRUNONE
University of Perugia, Italy - Epsică CHIRU
ARA – Romanian Water Association, Romania - Xin DONG
Tsinghua University, China - Ioana FĂGĂRĂȘAN
University „Politehnica” of Bucharest, Romania - Zoran KAPELAN
Delft University, The Netherlands - Branko KERKEZ
University of Michigan, U.S. - Daniele Biagio LAUCELLI
Technical University of Bari, Italy - Florentina MOATAR
National Research Institute of Science and Technology for Environment and Agriculture (INRAE), France - Frank MOLKENTHIN
Brandeburg University of Technology, Germany - Sebastian MUNTEAN
Romanian Academy – Timisoara Branch, Romania
- Ilinca NĂSTASE
Technical University of Civil Engineering Bucharest, Romania - Konstantinos PAPATHEODOROU
International Hellenic University, Serres Campus (former TEICM), Greece - Olivier PILLER
National Research Institute of Science and Technology for Environment and Agriculture (INRAE), France - Dušan PRODANOVIĆ
University of Belgrade, Serbia - Liang QIUHUA
Loughborough University, U.K. - Gabriel RACOVIȚEANU
Technical University of Civil Engineering Bucharest, Romania - Maurizio RIGHETTI
Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, Italy - Nicolas RIVIERE
INSA Lyon, France - Dan Niculae ROBESCU
University „Politehnica” of Bucharest, Romania - Sandra SOARES-FRAZÃO
Louvain School of Engineering, Belgium - Romeo SUSAN-RESIGA
„Politehnica” University of Timisoara, Romania - Nicolaos THEODOSSIOU
Aristotel University of Thessaloniki, Greece - Ken THOMAS
Waterford Institute of Technology – WIT, Ireland - Lydia VAMVAKERIDOU-LYROUDIA
KWR Water Research Institute, The Netherlands - Emmanouil VAROUCHAKIS
Technical University of Crete, Greece
Local Organising Committee
Honorary Committee:
- Mihnea COSTOIU
Rector of University „Politehnica” of Bucharest (UPB) - Radu VĂCĂREANU
Rector of Technical University of Civil Engineering Bucharest (UTCB) - Jorj-Mădălin MIHAILOVICI
Country Manager VEOLIA Romania - Aurel PRESURĂ
General Director S.C. RAJA Constanța S.A. - Ilie VLAICU
President of ARA – Romanian Water Association
- Alexandru ALDEA, UTCB
- Mircea BIȚOIU, Association of Energy and Electrical Engineers – AEEE
- Florin BODE, Technical University of Cluj-Napoca
- Diana-Maria BUCUR, UPB
- Florian BURNAR, Partnership Association for European Funds and Projects – APPFE
- Costin Ioan COȘOIU, UTCB
- Cristiana-Verona CROITORU, UTCB
- George DARIE, UPB
- Alexandru DIMACHE, UTCB
- Mihaela Amalia DIMINESCU, UPB
- Georgiana DUNCA, UPB
- Daniela Elena GOGOASE, UPB
- Constantin Radu GOGU, UTCB
- Iulian IANCU, UTCB
- Cristina Sorana IONESCU, UPB
- Nicolae MARCOIE, „G. Asachi” Technical University of Iasi
- Vlad Florin PÎRĂIANU, UPB
- Bogdan POPA, UPB
- Carmen Anca SAFTA, UPB
- Mihnea SANDU, UTCB
- Adrian STUPARU, ”Politehnica” University of Timisoara
- Nicoleta Octavia TĂNASE, UPB
- Eliza Isabela TICĂ, UPB
- Daniel TOMA, ”G. Asachi” Technical University of Iasi
- Grigore URSU, UTCB
- Alexandru Cezar VLĂDUȚ, UTCB
Main Topics
- Technologies for water management and monitoring
- Big-data, knowledge and water data management
- Digital transformation of urban water systems
- Hydraulic and hydrological modeling
- Climate change impacts
- Environmental and coastal hydroinformatics
- Complex water systems remote sensing and control
- COVID-19 pandemic reflected in Hydroinformatics
- Water – Energy – Food nexus

Plenary Speakers
- Prof. Kalanithy VAIRAVAMOORTHY
IWA Executive Director - Prof. Orazio GIUSTOLISI
Technical University of Bari, Italy - Prof. Anton ANTON
Technical University of Civil Engineering Bucharest (UTCB)
- Prof. Kalanithy VAIRAVAMOORTHY
Preliminary Program overview
- Within the conference, on the 6th of July, the workshop “Towards a Digital Water Sector” will be organised - about 100 practitioners from Romanian Water Companies will join the conference to participate at this workshop, to share information and experience.

The connection links set on Microsoft Teams will be sent by email to all participants directly from the EasyChair platform. The participants which will attend the conference online are requested to test each connection before each session. For each connection link, a very short registration form must be be filled-in, then a validation must be made from the email provided by the user.
Each paper is scheduled to be presented in 18 minutes time frame, where 15 minutes are for the oral presentation and 3 minutes for Q&A. There is no imposed template for the slides. The participants joining the conference online will present their paper using Share Screen directly from their computer.

Technical Visit
The Technical Visit will target either the Water Treatment Plant of Bucharest at Crivina, or the Wastewater Treatment Plant of Bucharest at Glina. Both are owned by Apa Nova – Bucharest Water Company (https://www.apanovabucuresti.ro/), which is part of Veolia Romania (https://www.veolia.ro/en).
(Information available soon)

Accompanying Persons Program – Bucharest Top Attractions
Guided tours for accompanying persons will be organized to the Village Museum and the Parliament Palace, if a minimum of 10 persons is reached.

Visits to the Parliament Palace could also be organized once a day for conference delegates.
Village Museum is a great open air, spectacular museum, of traditional original wooden houses, brought from all over the country. See details on: https://muzeul-satului.ro/en/
Parliament Palace is a gigantic building of the communist dictatorship, built and decorated exclusively with Romanian produced materials. According to Guinness World Records, the Parliament Palace in Bucharest is believed to be the heaviest building in the world.
Bucharest Top Attractions are presented on the following web site: https://visitbucharest.today/
Post-conference Tours
TravelArt (https://www.travelart.ro/) will be our tourism agency partner and will offer 3 post-conference tours for the week-end after the conference.
Each tour contains: All inclusive, accommodation in single or double room, three meals a day, objectives visit, guide services, coach transport. Any tour will be organized provided that at least 15 delegates are registering.
Proposed Post-conference tours:
- Week-end on the outskirts of Transylvania (see photos below) − Peles Castle (https://en.peles.ro/), Bran Castle (http://www.castelulbran.ro/), Brasov City (https://www.uncover-romania.com/attractions/cities/brasov/), Sighisoara Citadel (https://www.uncover-romania.com/attractions/unesco-heritage-romania/sighisoara/)

- Week-end in the Danube Delta (https://www.uncover-romania.com/attractions/nature/danube-delta/)
- Week-end on the Romanian Black Sea coast (https://www.uncover-romania.com/attractions/nature/black-sea/)
Authors are invited to submit Full Papers (or 4-pages Extended Abstracts) on the conference Main Topics, or on adjacent topics falling within the scope of the conference.

Conference Contributions
Conference Contribution, either as Full Paper, or as 4-pages Extended Abstract, should be uploaded within EasyChair up to 9th of May 2022: https://easychair.org/my/conference?conf=hic2022
Conference Contributions must be prepared according to the Instructions for Authors, provided within the templates below. A Conference Contribution can be uploaded in EasyChair as pdf file. After the end of the reviewing process, please send the final form of your Revised Conference Contribution by email to hic2022@utcb.ro
Full paper template can be downloaded here: HIC2022_Full Paper_WordTemplate (a Full Paper submitted to HIC 2022 should have a minimum length of 6 pages and must not exceed 10 pages).
Extended abstract template can be downloaded here: HIC2022_Extended Abstract_WordTemplate
Conference Proceedings & Post-conference publication in IWA journals
All abstracts (short abstracts retrieved from Full Papers, as well as Extended Abstracts) will be inserted within the HIC 2022 Book of Abstracts.
Publication of the Full Papers will be made in IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science (https://iopscience.iop.org/journal/1755-1315). IOP Publishing is one of the world’s largest conference proceedings publishers. IOP Conf. Ser.: Earth Environ. Sci. is an open access proceedings journal indexed in Scopus; usually, it is also indexed in Web of Science.
Selected Conference Contributions will be published in extended form in a Special Issue of the JOURNAL OF HYDROINFORMATICS.
The information is now available on the journal website: https://iwaponline.com/jh/
Other IWA Publishing peer-reviewed open access journals will be also considered for the publication of extended form of selected Conference Contributions.
Follow the HIC 2022 webpage for upcoming news:!
Registration Fees and deadlines
until 7th of June | until 15th of June | |
Tax Type | Euro | Euro |
High income country non IAHR/IWA member | 600 | 700 |
High income country IAHR/IWA member | 500 | 600 |
High income country Student&Young professionals (under 35) | 200 | 300 |
High income country Accompanying persons | 300 | 400 |
Low income country non IAHR/IWA member | 500 | 600 |
Low income country IAHR/IWA member | 400 | 500 |
Low income country Student&Young professionals (under 35) | 150 | 250 |
Low income country Accompanying persons | 250 | 350 |
Register and pay by card
You can pay online by accessing this link: https://secure.euplatesc.ro/hi/forms/utcb10.php
Register and pay by bank transfer
For any information, please send a message to hic2022@utcb.ro
Fundatia Academică a UTCB
Trade Registration No: 44523656
Headquarters: Bulevardul Lacul Tei 122-124bloc Tesa, camera 105, 20396, 2nd District, Bucharest, Romania
Bank name
Bank address
RO37 RNCB 0073 1698 8482 0002 (account in Romanian Lei (RON))
HIC 2022 Opening Ceremony, Plenary Session, Workshop “Towards a Digital Water Sector” and Closing Ceremony will be held at the “Radu Voinea” Amphitheatre. The ceremonies and sessions will be video-recorded by a professional from UPB’s Television – Sigma TV.
HIC 2022 Parallel Sessions will be held at the UPB Conference Centre, in the UPB Central Library building. An Exhibition will be organized for Partners and Sponsors at the ground floor of the Conference Centre.
Bucharest International Airport Henri Coanda is linked to all major cities in Europe, some of them with several flights per day.
The airport is 17 km from Bucharest City Centre. An express train provides connection to the town (Bucharest North Central Station) in just 25 minutes; the price of a train ticket is only 1 Euro/person (https://www.bucharestairports.ro/en/transport/train-connection). The price of a taxi from the airport to the City Centre varies between 10 and 20 Euro, depending on the taxi company (https://www.bucharestairports.ro/en/transport/taxi). Transfer can be organized via regular cars, minivan or couch/bus for conference participants at an average cost of 10-15 Euro/pers.
Major hotel chains are present on the local market, e.g. AccorHotels Group (Novotel, Mercure, Ibis, Pullman), Athénée Palace Hilton, Radisson Blu, JW Marriott and Sheraton.
Ibis Bucharest Politehnica hotel is the closest accommodation to the UPB’s Conference Centre (at less than 10 minutes walking distance); this hotel was commissioned in May 2021: https://all.accor.com/hotel/B1S0/index.en.shtml
Local transportation consists of an intricate network of trams, trolleybuses, buses and metro (a one way trip costs less than 1 Euro). From the City Centre to UPB, a trip takes 10-15 min by taxi and the price should not exceed 6 Euro (4 Euro is a good estimate). Possible sharing transfer with minivans or coach can be organized (about 3 Euro/person one way).
Declared Sponsors

The Association of Energy and Electrical Engineers – AIEE (https://aiee.ro/) is actively involved in organizing HIC 2022.
Most photographs were provided by Andrei Zafiu (https://zafiuandrei.ro/) and Catalin Alexandru Stafie – both graduated from University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest.